Dubai's Most Stylish Men
Dapper. Debonair. Dashing.
2 February 2017

image credit: Instagram
Every week we cover the best-dressed women in Dubai, but the city is filled with equally stylish men.
Here's a roundup of the most stylish men in Dubai.
Andy Scott
A winner of several 'best-dressed' and 'most stylish' awards, Andy looks so spiffy in this grey suit.

image credit: @andy_scott_uk/Instagram
Mahmoud Sidani
Arguably Dubai's most popular male blogger, Mr.Moudz, as he is popularly known, is the poster boy for great street style.

image credit: @mrmoudz/Instagram
Nour Aldin
Television presenter Nour Aldin is the very definition of debonairness.

image credit: @nouraldin1/Instagram
Ahmad Daabas
We love Ahmad's casual and laid-back style.

image credit: @ahmaddaabas/Instagram
Shaurya Chaturvedi
Shaurya makes messy and undone look SO sophisticated.

image credit: @shaurya.chaturvedi/Instagram
Alii Muhammad
Alii takes basic elements and puts them together to create a crisp and sharp look.

image credit: @aliimuhd/Instagram
Elias El-indari
We want that Fendi backpack - NOW!

image credit: @eliaselindari/Instagram
Mario Olimpio
You cannot deny a man who can rock pink.

image credit: @mario_olimpio/Instagram
- Tags:
- dubai's style stars
- fashion